Modern warfare 3 survival waves
Modern warfare 3 survival waves

but get the striker shotgun as a secondary weapon, only use it on the juggernauts after you flashbang them.

modern warfare 3 survival waves

Its the easiest way to kill a juggernaut, other than and airstrike. We both get the striker Shotgun and if you flashbang the juggernaut you can kill him with less than a full clip out of the shotgun. This is very beneficial because if you can't kill a juggernaut before he gets to you, you can easily escape out the back flashbang him and kill him. I think we will try taking out the choppers as fast as we can in order to maximize that and not lose our riot shield guys. We have very easily made it to 35, 36 and 38 every time we play. We set up claymores along the back entrance so we don't have to worry about that and we get predator missiles and a riot squad.

modern warfare 3 survival waves

we have turrets pointing out the window so we never have to worry about that side. My friend and i set up in the very opposite corner of the map he suggested in that little shop there. Also you can easily replenish your ammo at the end of each round.

modern warfare 3 survival waves

the guys can only come up those 2 ways, and with a squad of people (riot or regular) you will have no problem defending that area. Your best strategy is to set 2 turrets (preferably both grenade) at on entrance, and lay prone with your weapon and face the other way. And above that is a balcony, with two entrances. To the right of the ammo bos is an underpass. The best placement on resistance is right where you start off.

modern warfare 3 survival waves

Also it can be smart to keep your flashes stocked up especially when the juggernauts come along, this will allow you to stun and paralyze them for easier killing. So whether your playing alone or with a friend it is key that you ALWAYS have a self revive. The only crucial thing is that you always maintain a self revive, because at any point something could go wrong you and you may need a pick up. As far as explosives and everything else from the grenade box, i would say not to worry about it.

Modern warfare 3 survival waves